Zipper: Elements Of MAG May Appear In Future Games

Studio keen to explore new IPs for upcoming projects.

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Zipper: Elements Of MAG May Appear In Future Games
Zipper Interactive's art director for MAG, Phil Knowles, has told SPOnG that elements of its ambitious PS3 online shooter could find its way into future titles.

In an interview that will be published in full later today, Knowles spoke of the differences in design approach between MAG and the studio's other online spec-ops game, SOCOM. Asked whether we may see parts of MAG influence future SOCOM games, Knowles said that MAG was its own entity, however;

“At Zipper, we're very much a studio that's eager to take on a new challenge, and a massive online shooter was what it was for this game. We may push that even further in the future, either with MAG or in a different IP or we may go in a different direction.”

Although MAG is due to be released next week, it has been reported that Zipper is working on an as-yet unannounced project on the PlayStation 3. Knowles wouldn't give away any details, but said that the studio is eager to tackle new IP in the future.

The full interview will be published on SPOnG later today.


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