New, Beautiful, Rogue Leader Screens

LucasArts takes us into the snow. At-Ats!

Posted by Staff
Nintendo and LucasArts have released several new screens of the fantastic Star Wars game Rogue Leader for the Nintendo GameCube.

This time we see the welcome return of the At-Ats, the fatally flawed, leggy troop shifters, employed by the Empire in freezing environments.

This has to be one of the best GameCube projects in tangible form at this time. Looking absolutely stunning, the game was first unveiled at this year’s E3, and since then a steady stream of screens has trickled from Lucas and Nintendo, each showing new stages and vehicles.

Pictured in the shots you can see a Snowspeeder circling an At-At’s legs with cable. Does it get any better than this?

At this moment in time, Star Wars: Rogue Leader is set to be a launch title in America, Japan and Europe and, judging by the progress made by the developers, this looks likely to happen.


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