FFXIII: Enough Deleted Content for Another Game

Art Director reveals lost locations in magazine interview.

Posted by Staff
FFXIII: Enough Deleted Content for Another Game
Final Fantasy XIII art director, Isamu Kamikokuryou, has said in a Japanese magazine interview that there's enough content on the cutting room floor to make another game.

For the amount of time the game has been in development, it was inevitable that certain concepts and gameplay elements would eventually be stripped from the final cut. But a whole heap of locations were so far ahead in development that they were running on production hardware before being removed.

When asked how many locations were scrapped, Kamikokuryou simply said “More than enough to make another one [game].” Square Enix cut these areas after weighing up the entire game's volume and the balance of content. One of these areas is said to be a surrounding area of Lightning's home.

Square Enix appear keen to turn Final Fantasy XIII into its own mini-series, just like VII before it, so don't be surprised if we see these assets used in a future spinoff title.

Source: FF-Reunion (via ConnectedConsoles)


Isaac Kirby 13 Jan 2010 11:49
can anyone else smell DLC?
DrkStr 13 Jan 2010 14:26
can anyone else smell DLC?

Can anyone else smell content cut to make the game fir on the 360's DVDs?
JapzLapeno 5 Feb 2010 13:54
Yeah, it's 3 discs on the 360. I personally don't mind changing discs because it takes for freaking ever to get to the point where you have to change discs, and it's good the stretch the legs every few hours. So I wouldn't have minded a 4 or 5 disc 360 game, or a 2 disc PS3 game. I guess the only issue is the cost of having that many discs for one game. Oh well.
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