Kane and Lynch 2: Artfully Violent Trailer

Love them or hate them apparently

Posted by Staff
Kane and Lynch 2: Artfully Violent Trailer
It's strange for a press release pimping a game to start with "Love them or hate them, they're back", but this was the accompanying blurb to the following Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days trailer.

Why strange? Well, the idea that you might actually hate the game and its characters seems to run against any received messaging wisdom. It's nicely honest though given that a few naysayers felt that the original game was simply a hollow, empty, depressing excuse for senseless violence carried out by "two of gaming's most authentic and realistic criminals".

Other people thought it was a right laugh. Anyway, this new trailer is pretty pretty looking, with some deliberate blurring, so it's not your eyes.

We've also made it downloadable as a wmv here.



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