Bioshock II: Roll Your Own Shooter

And the Evils of Religion

Posted by Staff
Bioshock II: Roll Your Own Shooter
2K Marin's Jordan Thomas is the creative director on Bioshock 2. He's been chattting about the game and, frankly, he's well worth reading as he ranges through philosophy, religion, game-play and the concept of 'roll your own shooters'.

In terms of what to expect from the follow-up to the highly-rated Bioshock, he says, "You control the number of Big Sister fights and Big Daddy fights that you engage in, so that really comes down to you, how much combat you want, how often you want to be tested.

"There are still many, many splicers in the world and you will have to fight through them to make progress, but the tone of the thing changes often. There are long, slow, empty, scary sequences, and there are much more intense battles that basically test all your powers as a Big Daddy. BioShock, I think, is the place where the player decides to roll his own shooter experience. You can really alter how it feels to play."

In terms of Sophie Lamb, the new baddie, well, we'd suggest that you don't lay in a store of the Kool-Aid before playing:

"Sophia Lamb saw an opportunity to promote her philosophy", he tells IGN, "through the guise of faith and so, very much like Jim Jones, the founder of Jonestown, she really built this to promote her collectivist philosophy and to recruit the splicers who were crying out for some sort of external force to help them as Rapture fell."

Not up to speed on the Jonestown Massacre and the People's Temple Christian Church? Try here, it might give you an idea of how scary the game could get.


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