Leak says: Blu-ray and 1080p for Wii 2

So the rumours go.

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We don't have a picture of the new Wii, so here's this picture instead.
We don't have a picture of the new Wii, so here's this picture instead.
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The new Wii (Wii Deux?) has been specced if you belive MaxConsole man from Logic-Sunrise.com. Artik is his name and he's apparently leaked information from "an internal source of the marketing Nintendo France Service"... so, there's a bit of a tail on this tail. The new machines will apparently have:

- A Blu-Ray drive.
- 1080P and lower resolutions.
- Third quarter of 2010 simultaneous global release date.
- An upgrade scheme to provide discounts for owners of Wii 1s.

All unconfirmed of course.


Andy P 29 Oct 2009 17:42
May I be the first to call shenanigans.

Even if the first two are true, heck, even the third (though Nintendo has hardly shown that as a priority)... a discount for Wii owners? Not a chance. None whatsoever.
realvictory 29 Oct 2009 18:20

I'm going to be the second.

I could make something that vague up, but my made-up facts would be more believable.

- It's going to be made of plastic
- It's going to have Wi-fi
- It's going to connect to the TV
- It's going to be able to go online
- Accessories will be available, costing a ridiculous about of money
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headcasephil 30 Oct 2009 13:40
A Blu-Ray drive.could happen will help the stoping pirecy
1080P and lower resolutions. even sony has said that they are looking into hd
Third quarter of 2010 simultaneous global release date. well with xbox natal and sonys magic stics a bet nitendo are worring about the were the wii will stand
An upgrade scheme to provide discounts for owners of Wii 1s. it might be discount on the console but it might all so be wii vertual stuff and remade wii hd games
Joji 30 Oct 2009 15:33
Wouldn't surprise me if this is true. Sales of Wii are starting to dip and there's no doubt Nintendo are worried, and want to keep the momentum of sales going. The DSi LL is that first kind of step to keep DS sales going, so naturally the same would come to Wii. I expect Nintendo would probably have this Wii upgrade run GC stuff still. I just hope they change the core tech guts of Wii and give the damn thing a hard drive.

Just as well I haven't purchased a Wii yet, but I guess I'll start stocking up on games on the cheap.
spoonmaster 30 Oct 2009 16:50

DSi LL? Is that the one specifically for the Welsh market? :-)

It's difficult to imagine NIntendo not releasing a new Wii next year. It's also highly likely that it will be "more of the same" - only better, just like the DS descendants.

Good stuff. Bit of a shame it's a year too late for Monster Hunter Tri.
way 1 Nov 2009 22:30
By 2010 third quarter we should already be on the road to Super HD (8mp) ;) and the BBC is doing a broadcast of the future London Olympics in Ultra HD (32mp). But I might still buy one because of Wii ware is the start of something better, and I think Nintendo might be using GPU designs from imagination technology.

Maybe a bunch of us could meet up at the Olympics, and I could reveal my true identity (a hint, it is not Bill Gates ;) ).

Where are the Spong offices anyway?
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