Modern Warfare 2: No Dedicated Servers For PC

Infinity Ward focuses on matchmaking instead.

Posted by Staff
Modern Warfare 2: No Dedicated Servers For PC
Those of you looking to put that hardcore gaming dedicated server to use when Modern Warfare 2 hits stores should hold back a tear, as Infinity Ward has announced that its latest game will run purely on its multiplayer matchmaking service.

Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling confirmed the news during a podcast, stating that the change is to give the average PC gamer a better experience when playing the game online. There will be private server support in place for players who want to create their own custom matches, but otherwise the studio's own system will be used for matchmaking and server support. The system will be run in conjunction with Steam and include VAC anti-cheating support.

To make matters worse for the dedi server faithful, Bowling stated that he didn't know about the status (or even possibility) of mod support for the PC version of Modern Warfare 2, or if mods could be hosted by (which would make sense).

The game is heading for release on 10th November.


Jeff K 19 Oct 2009 11:58
I'm a very dedicated gamer and wish to excel into the Professional field. In my eyes, this was the worst possible decision towards the competitive gaming community, as far as gameplay goes. Bowling - PLEASE figure out a way to please ALL gamers, not just the "average PC gamer".
Ryan B 19 Oct 2009 12:45
Vavle tried this for left for dead, with no game browser. What happened to that? They had to add in a game browser and allow dedicated servers to keep the huge uproar quiet
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Batter 19 Oct 2009 14:32
They'll blame poor PC sales on piracy.
SorbP 19 Oct 2009 14:46
Idiiot's matchmaking works on XBOX live cus it's the only option, why not supply dedicated server support on the PC it's just ... retarded.
bertybassett 19 Oct 2009 15:05
because its all about the Dollar.
Rex Kramer 19 Oct 2009 16:11
I'm doing like everyone else: canceling my preorder. Wanna cater to the consoles, IW? Fine, I won't buy any more of your products. Morons.
Disgruntled 19 Oct 2009 16:30
this is the worst idea i have ever heard for pc gaming. losing the amount of people that they are on the track to do..... going to devastate their sales.
KM-Skully 19 Oct 2009 17:32
Totaly aggree with the above we buy the game to play on line and use the single player as an infill till the clan is on or a match underway. My pre order and the rest of my clans has been cancelled. need a pettiton to sign ? go here
KM-Skully 19 Oct 2009 17:33
Totaly aggree with the above we buy the game to play on line and use the single player as an infill till the clan is on or a match underway. My pre order and the rest of my clans has been cancelled. need a pettiton to sign ? go here
KM-Skully 19 Oct 2009 17:35
Totaly aggree with the above we buy the game to play on line and use the single player as an infill till the clan is on or a match underway. My pre order and the rest of my clans has been cancelled. need a petiton to sign ? google petition on line dot com (dot the normal way) spam filter on links
deleted 20 Oct 2009 02:12
Oh Boo Hoo Pc gamers, seriously gaming on PC is just becoming less and less fun anyhow, with even Nvidia going into diffrent directions than simply adding more transistors and cores to cards that dont need improvment anymore,

Buy a fricken console and shut up moaning!
CallofD 20 Oct 2009 04:04
This is F****** horse ****. Everyone BOYCOTT COD GAMES dont buy them. When IW rethinks their ideas then Buy it
BigRedDevil 20 Oct 2009 07:05
Your sir are an idiot.
NateDoGG 20 Oct 2009 07:49

Wow, only a fanboi with no skill(or money to buy a real gaming rig) would say such a thing ROFLcopter
James C. 20 Oct 2009 23:47
Infinity Ward what are you thinking? You've got one of the best games on the market and a huge dedicated fan base. So why go shoot yourself in the foot? I will not buy MW2 if you do this. I'm sure most of my clan feels the same way.
nmnm 22 Oct 2009 14:59
Pre-order canceled
nmnm 22 Oct 2009 14:59
pre order canceled.
sketchy 10 Nov 2009 00:52
You are obviously a dumb ass console game user without an opinion in this matter. PC games are this companies bread and butter. Where was your console when COD1 was out?? Not all people want to jump on the console band wagon because there not 15 years old. Faster processing, more memory, faster gaming, better graphics should i list more reasons??
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