Marc Ecko "Atari Sh*t the Bed"

Hipster fashionista has to fight legality with Atari first.

Posted by Staff
Yo Yo B-Boy WHAT.
Yo Yo B-Boy WHAT.
Marc Ecko, the man behind the… er, Marc Ecko franchise, has expressed his desire to revive his computer game brand extension, Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure.

Speaking to Destructoid, the entrepreneur behind the Ecko clothing line really wanted to express his true desire to, well, make a load of money. Apparently the only thing getting in the way of his epic quest for more cash is a legal tussle with former publisher Atari.

"Getting Up was a lot of blood, sweat, and tears… Atari shit the bed, you know? And I'm gonna f*cking make that game again if it kills me. I'm gonna do it. I want to see the brand out there again."

Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure was released in 2006 and saw you tagging 'da streetz', fighting the oppressive government that prevents your right to criminally deface public property. Jet Set Radio, it wasn't.


Ecko sucks 9 Oct 2009 13:48
Hey Ecko --- when your done smoking the crap coming out of your a-hole and the the air clears, maybe you and your ego can wake up and realize your game sucked donkey balls and it being banned in California and in the entire country of Australia should've been a wake up call for you ---

go make your stupid over priced ghetto gear - you know nothing about making video games, at least not good ones.
U suck 11 Oct 2009 00:19
Don't blame Atari cause you suck at making games, Ecko!
you suck 6 Jan 2011 03:06
@Ecko_sucks_ actually it wasnt banned in california, as i just re bought it last week. and just because you dont like something, doesnt mean it "sucks donkey balls" obvious troll is obvious -_-
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