Xbox 360 Achievements: Add 40k Sales!

Gearbox tells it like it is

Posted by Staff
Xbox 360 Achievements: Add 40k Sales!
Gearbox Software's Randy Pitchford has made it very apparent why developers would spend time building Achievements into their games.

"The time it takes is minimal because you're designing Achievements anyway, and you can probably affect your sales by something like 10 and 40 thousand units. If you're talking about a triple-A game selling between 1 and 2.5 million units. You're talking tens of thousands of units of impact there."

When he says "Affect your sales" in this interview with OXM, he means "increase" - because why else would you spend any time - no matter how minimal - making them. Still, 40k sales, eh?



Joji 7 Oct 2009 16:51
You hear that awesome news?

I love achievement in my games, but I wish more japanese developers would take some time to think out their achievements. (Here's looking at you Capcom).

Be creative, but also fair and fun.
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