DiRT Man Gavin Raeburn Leaves Codemasters

Pastures new to be driven through

Posted by Staff
DiRT Man Gavin Raeburn Leaves Codemasters
Codemasters has confirmed that Gavin Raeburn - the producer behind DiRT and Grid has exited the company.

In an official statement Gavin Cheshire, vice president of Codemasters Development said, "After successfully rebooting two of Codemasters' heritage franchises as DiRT and GRID, executive producer Gavin Raeburn has moved on to pastures new.

"Following the recent success of the award winning DiRT 2, it's positive for any individual to move when they feel they're at the top.

"He leaves having built an incredibly talented team that's led by key players who will drive our racing portfolio forward. He has my best wishes and our thanks for all the successes enjoyed during his time at Codemasters."

Best of luck to Gavin from SPOnG.


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