Left 4 Dead Crash Course: Over-Priced Xbox Live Cock-Up

Price changing occurring

Posted by Staff
Left 4 Dead Crash Course: Over-Priced Xbox Live Cock-Up
Graeme Boyd (Xbox Community Manager, Europe) has just informed the world that there has been a cock-up on the Xbox Live pricing for Left 4 Dead Crash Course.

Mr Boyd explains that the game "is up for 800 MS Points by mistake. We're fixing it to 560MS Points as we speak," before contiunuing, "but pls DON'T download it for 800."

Over in the States, Major Nelson tells it like this, "It may take a few hours for the correct price to update around the globe. Thanks for waiting."

We're waiting to hear what happens in terms of credit if you did pay the 800 points.


Daniel 29 Sep 2009 11:17
wooo pleased it was a cock up. i only had 720 msp =(
THOMAS 29 Sep 2009 11:30
@Daniel same here i have 580 lol !
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gary 29 Sep 2009 11:34
omg thank god!!! lol i have 790!!! its teasing me right now!!!! ¬¬ PLEASE FIX IT RIGHT NOW!!! I HAVE BEEN WAITIN A MONTH FOR THIS!!!! ITS TEASING ME!!!!!!!!!
Oliver 29 Sep 2009 11:35
O_O I thought Microsoft was bein mean and had put it up to 800 so i bought it.... WAAAAAAAA, please be a refund policy.
Christine 29 Sep 2009 13:02
Aw man, you serious?! I bought it the minute I saw it in the marketplace. Whatarip.
Killawatt18 29 Sep 2009 16:55
well personally i think it should be lower if not free! It is free on the PC so why not the Xbox?
FluffyMcFurball 29 Sep 2009 21:53
I got trigger happy and just double tapped the button, I was that ready but then I got the glimpse of 800MSP and thought they must of put the price up cos of the achievements but so annoyed bout it
carl 30 Sep 2009 10:28
LOL!, oh thats funny like because I bought it for 800, at like UK time 12:15PM, and when my m8 got on at like 6PM he said he bought it for 560points, but I checked my points and apparently I had 270 points in, so I must have gotten em back.
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