Dead Rising 2: Wheelchair Action plus Forking Video

Let's face it... it's a death fest

Posted by Staff
Some people say that video gamers should grow up and get over their fixation with all forms of violent maiming and killing in order to enter a bright new world where everybody is lovely to everybody else all the time. Those same people tend also to buy flavoured candles and tofu-smelling bacon substitute before becoming serious alcoholics. Why do we mention this? Basically, we've got a bunch of Dead Rising 2 videos and pictures for you too look at, and not a single one of them is pleasant, pacific or in anyway likely to lead to a wider understanding of chakras.

Enjoy, you immature Hellions! In fact play all three videos at once!



pd137 25 Sep 2009 18:18
not impressed maybe i would need to see more to early to say much.
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