Superb Last Guardian Interview

Not the final edition of the newspaper... but Fumito Ueda

Posted by Staff
Superb Last Guardian Interview
Look, between ourselves, often times developer interview videos tend to go like this:

[enter developer with PR handler hiding behind the camera holding up a cue card]

Dev: "We are excited to bring you a game that we are 110% passionate about because it is awesome and will change the face of games because of its script/story/graphics/physics engine/boxart."

Then there's 10 minutes of painful waffle because the marketing people don't want the message ruined and the dev wants to get back to work.

Not this time. This time the Fumito Ueda interview is worth nearly every moment of your time: well, you might want to skip the first 42 seconds.

Enjoy it. We did.


DrkStr 25 Sep 2009 08:32
Yep! Looking forward to that one! But I with the boy would pull those arrows out of the guardian.
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