Audio Intimacy: Kojima, Inafune, Nagoshi Talking Natal

It's intimate.

Posted by Staff
With Natal, Kojima blinks... Snake's head explodes.
With Natal, Kojima blinks... Snake's head explodes.
It's TGS and from the USA Microsoft's Don Mattrick introduces, Takashi Sensui introducing Keiji Inafune (creator of Mega Man and Dead Rising), Toshihiro Nagoshi (Super Monkey Ball), and Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear Solid) as they talk about Project Natal. Quite an august panel.

Before the developers actually speak, however, Don also makes this point, "Think of this as a public brainstorming session... so please don't construe anything you hear as a confirmation of in-progress games or commitments to make Natal experiences..." We reckon Don added his intro in post-production.

We'd suggest that you skip to about 10 minutes of the 50 minute audio... so that you can actually listen to the developers talking.

Listen to the full audio here. See what Major Nelson has to say, here.


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