First Sims 3 Virtual Tourism Dated

Visit new lands and tourist them.

Posted by Staff
A standard piece of casual tourism.
A standard piece of casual tourism.
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The Sims 3: World Adventures is in development and will ship to retailers worldwide the week of November 16, 2009. It's the first expansion pack for EA's virtual people game.

EA is, of course, 'thrilled' (bet there was a toss up there as to whether to use 'thrilled' or 'excited') by the whole thing. In short, however, it enables your Sims to "discover new cities" in China, France and Egypt.

To be exact there's: Shang Simla in China (learn martial arts). Virtual France gives you Champs Les Sims, ("discover rich culture and famous landmarks"). Finally, Al Simhara, Egypt ("secret treasures").

No price is available yet.


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