Some Monkey Balled FUN for the Balance Board

Yay! The Wii gets fun...

Posted by Staff
Some Monkey Balled FUN for the Balance Board
So cute we almost lost our lunch! But a huge bunch of 'Yes' eaten from the wrong end - like Super Monkeys do - it's Super Monkey Ball Step & Roll... and a video of dear AiAi being, well, so cute that we almost lost our lunch. Why is it so good? Well, it works with the Wii Balance Board and there are no smug snowboarders or... gods forbid... fitness overtones in sight.

SEGA will, no doubt, waffle on at some point before the early 2010 release about the game being good of fitness or somesuch drivel. It probably could help if you aren't careful and make sure to carbo-load. Right now, however, the only way that this Step & Roll video lovely could help you lose weight would be via its cuteness forcing your latest meal up through your nose.

Watch it. Love it. Wait til we review it.



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