Summer of Sonic Gathers Speed

Sonic the Comic creators confirmed

Posted by Staff
The Summer of Sonic convention has a couple of new guests confirmed - Nigel Kitching and Nigel Dobbyn, two comics creators who helped define the world of Sonic beyond the games in the (it must be said, uninspiringly-named) Sonic the Comic.

The pair will appear at the convention, due to take place on August 29th at Truman Brewery’s Boiler Room down in That London. They will be taking questions and hobnobbing with fans. Advanced registration is available now.

A preliminary view of the convention's floor plan can be seen in the image gallery to the left.

Kitching was a key writer on Sonic the Comic, while Dobbyn brought a darker feel to the series with his art on the Tails and Knuckles stories.

Svend SPOnG is running the whole thing, so watch out for him looking a bit frantic on the convention floor if you make it along.

Source: Summer of Sonic via Sonic Stadium


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