Mario, Sonic, Snowy Date Announced

Brrrr... the rich people's Olympics gets Nintendo and SEGA pals...

Posted by Staff
Mario, Sonic, Snowy Date Announced
One thing that we look out for every week is whether Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games is still in the UK games charts. If it is, then the world will not be ending this week for, despite our initial disgust at the two erstwhile enemies appearing in tandem, we've grown to love their partnership.

So it's "Yipe-the-blummin'-dee-doo!" that the date has been set for the pals to virtually travel to Canada for the "Rich People's Olympic Games". Yes, Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympics Games has been dated for October 16th this year. That's just in time for Vancouver 2010, the able-bodied element of which starts on... February 12th 2010; the Paralympiques begin on March 12th.


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