PSP Go: Sony Wants Non-Gaming Developers

SDK price drop to help

Posted by Staff
PSP Go: Sony Wants Non-Gaming Developers
The recent price cut of the PSP development kit was aimed, at least partially, at getting non-gaming applications on the PSP Go.

“The goal with that is to enable all sorts of developers to be able to develop content for the PSP”, Sony PR person Al de Leon in a chat with CNET.

“It’ll mostly be games but there’s certainly an opportunity to look at some non-gaming applications”, he went on.

Sony has already shown its willingness to have non-gaming software on the PSP with the likes of it's Go! line, although those applications have proved few and far between and Messenger had to be killed due to lack of uptake.

Also, when you think about the name of the PSP Go and the names of Go!Messenger and its ilk... well, you can't help but think there might be a clue in there.

You can see the CNET video below.



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