Remember when we suggested just possibly the group of apparently Christian protesters outside of E3 could be a PR stunt
* (see that story
Apparently the committed group of protesters come from a group called S.A.V.E.D. (Salvationists. Against. Virtual. and Eternal. Damnation.) And apparently we were correct.
The group
Wearesavedorg is a domain set up on "01-Jun-2009 17:22:24 UTC" according to its relevant records. Yes, the day of E3.
The website that apparently protests an EA game, rather than providing a link for 'right-thinking' nutters to EA's corporate site in order to complain, points to the game. It also contains a trailer for the game. This is probably the give-away, as it's a well known tactic for 'right-minded' nutters never actually to look at the things they find appalling, and certainly not to promulgate them.
Of course, the fact that this is a PR stunt will never actually be admitted to... much in the same way as EA will never actually put out a game that is actually controversial.
* We actually said, "EA marketing people who had a crazy idea, some lurid pens and a little too much... coffee."