Video: Heavy Rain Takes You to the Movies

New character introduced

Posted by Staff
New footage of Quantic Dream's much-anticipated but rarely-glimpsed PS3-exclusive, Heavy Rain, has emerged.

In the GameTrailers episode a new character is revealed by producer, Emerson Escobar. The character's name? Norman Jaden. His role in life? An FBI profiler. We could tell you all about him, or you could watch the footage yourself...

Speaking more generally, Petro Piaseckj, managing producer on the game, says, "For Heavy Rain, our goal is to put you in a movie",

Expanding on what's at the heart of the title, he tells us, "What we're trying to do is put you into emotional situations where you have to make a split-second decision based on your morals, your ethics and how you identify with the character you're playing."

E3 is the venue for more Heavy Rain goodness, our man will be there.

You can see the video for yourself here.


config 22 May 2009 14:31
Hmm. It certainly looks incredible. Call me unfair for prejudging, but this looks like a bunch of quicktime sequences interlinked with some clue finding / puzzle solving. So, the bastard, steroidal child of Dragon's Lair and Broken Sword

Oh, and that dialogue shatters the hard work put into the visuals. The ambience of a sound booth even when characters are talking outdoors. That could be fixed with runtime filters/effects, I guess, which is more than can be done for the vocal script and OTT voice acting.
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