MotorStorm: Arctic Edge - Track Screenage

Tracks detailed

Posted by Staff
Sony has sent forth some chilly new screens from the PSP MotorStorm outing - Arctic Edge - from its Gamers' Day event.

The screens show off some of the game' snowy Alaskan tracks. Sony's taken the time to provide some details on the tracks (which can be raced in both directions) so we thought we'd share...

1. Gold Rush is a circuit through the scarred rocks of an abandoned mine, with racers blasting through gravel, mud and streams of meltwater in the hunt for treasured first place.

2. Log Jam: No longer a lush green paradise, 20th century deforestation has left Log Jam as a timber strewn quagmire - perfect terrain for the modern off road racer.

3. Mudbowl: Wide, fast and dirty – participants slide their way through Mudbowl dodging rocks and oil pipes in the hunt for the fastest lap.

4. Widow Maker: Following the path of a long dried up river, the eerie Widow Maker brings out the festival’s darker side, with its towering iron sculptures and the hilltop jump of faith.

5. Eagle Falls: The ice curtain of Eagle Falls forms a chilling backdrop to the many treacherous paths through this multilayered cliff top track.

6. Wolfpack Mountain: The festival crowds go wild for the racing variety on Wolfpack Mountain, with its biting lap times and multiple routes.

7. Ascension: Ascension involves a snaking climb up the rocky mountain pass until finally gravity takes hold and racers barrel down the slopes to the finish line.

8. Auguta Glacier: Powerful enough to cut though the solid rocks, Anguta Glacier’s canyon of ancient blue ice is the perfect setting for a cold hearted race to destruction.

9. The Chasm: Infamous for its perilous jumps and gaping drops, The Chasm is a deadly high speed trek across a splintered mountain plateau.

10. Northern Face: The claustrophobic caves of Northern Face echo with the sound of engines as racers burst into the harsh cold light amongst massive snowbound cliffs.

11. Snowgod Canyon: A kingdom of snow and ice hidden among the peaks, Snowgod Canyon’s beauty hides treacherous deep snow and thunderous avalanches waiting to claim unwary racers.

12. Vertigo: Clinging to the steep slopes at the very top of the mountain is Vertigo. Windswept bridges of glass and steel are all that stand between festival goer s and a deadly mile high drop.

More Gamers' Day goodies shortly. Now shovel through some of those screens here!


config 6 May 2009 17:42
Hmm. I happen to know that these screen came in at 1440 pixels wide. So, like the video we recently saw, they're marketing fakery - though this time they appear to have at least used PSP-grade meshes.
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