Burn Zombie Burn! Scorching the PS3 Now

Obvious rule of zombie combat ignored...

Posted by Staff
Burn Zombie Burn! Scorching the PS3 Now
You don't set fire to zombies. A burning zombie, wandering aimlessly around being unfazed by its pyrotechnic brilliance, is at least twice as dangerous as a chilled out zombie. That hasn't stopped doublesix's Burn Zombie Burn! being released on the PSN today, however. Still, it looks like right good fun.

Here's doublesix's attempt at luring your cash into its coffers: "Burn Zombie Burn! is set across six classic American-horror movie inspired levels. In true classic coin-op fashion players are presented with a top-down, arena-based third-person perspective that features all new gameplay mechanics.

"The goal is simple: to get the highest score possible. Your hero is Bruce - an average every-day Joe who was looking forward to spending some 'quality time' with his girlfriend Daisy when their Saturday night is interrupted by a zombie invasion. Standing in your way is a never ending horde of undead. To survive you must shoot, burn and blow up as many zombies as possible before they overwhelm you. Fire is your most important tool and massive scores can be achieved by burning the zombies en masse and setting up huge chains of explosions that wipe them out in one go."

You can see videos and other such things right here.


DoctorDee 27 Mar 2009 09:20
I am gonna be all over that this weekend. It looks like SmashTV/Robotron brilliance.

config 30 Mar 2009 12:58
I don't get the seeming preoccupation PSN developers have with top-down shoot-a-thons. It seems the genre of choice - perhaps they were all weaned from the Robotron/SmashTV/Gauntlet tit. The ones I've played (demos, admittedly, and all so forgetabel I don't recall their names) have bored me out before the demo was up.
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