Ubisoft to Publish Wheelman

Company still getting those games out.

Posted by Staff
Ubisoft to Publish Wheelman
Although Midway has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the United States, it's not stopping it getting Vin Diesel's Wheelman into the shops.

It's just announced that it will be teaming up with Ubisoft so that the French company will publish the game Stateside.

The official release has it that, " Ubisoft will handle sales, marketing, and distribution of the title in North America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Austria, Ireland and the United Kingdom.

"Midway will continue to direct the development of the title and retains all future rights to the franchise and will sell the title in all other European territories".

For Midway, this is a positive step forward. For Ubisoft, this presents another tie-in overseas following its deal with Square Enix announced in January.


Fran Cheese 19 Feb 2009 16:21
Midway will continue to direct the development of the title and retains all future rights to the franchise and will sell the title in all other European territories

The Franchise.

Everything is a franchise these days. Even pre-release games that will never get a sequel. Who are they trying to kid? This one is gonna go down in a blaze of ignominy.

SuperSaiyan4 19 Feb 2009 16:57
One game to stay away from.
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