While the EU's PlayStation Home mouthpiece - TedtheDog - explains that it takes hours to make a virtual t-shirt, the USA's server mods are apparently talking about virtual pets, in-house mini-games and content streaming.
Ted's statement came over on the
EU community forum. He also states, "We're going to bring you a lot more spaces in the coming months, new apartments, a lot more Game Launching support, far more clothing, more games, more furntiure, more tools & features for clubs and more tools and features for the general client. We're also looking at various ways of providing ways for language groups to get together without segregating the EU community. Oh, and we've got an update to Home Square coming as well."
The US news comes courtesy of Dutch site PS3Hype and some screenshots - which you can see there because, well, they are PS3Hypes screenshots - of a US account a meeting with Home Community managers.
The text in the shots has one mod called Locust_Star stating, "They are being developed" in answer to users asking for TV and music in their apartments.
The mod then states, "You can expect many new apartments. Some are 'realistic' others are very fantastical."
Then... "We are working on pets as well". Pets? We're betting on Sackboys and Aibos.
The conversation appears to end with the mod stating, "You will have minigames in your apartments. That is coming."
As we say, head over to
PS3Hype to see the shots.