SEGA: New "Standalone Video Game Machines"

As opposed to arcade game machines

Posted by Staff
SEGA: New "Standalone Video Game Machines"
Okay, somehow we missed a few possibly key words in a recent set of trademarks applied for by SEGA - and reported in Siliconera.

The words in question relate to two new trademarks: Ringedge and Ringwide; and a new circular logo that have been lodged in the USA and Europe.

The words are: "stand alone video game machines". Sure, you can quite happily read this as "Arcade Box" and move on without a backward glance. Especially as the company is currently closing games arcades down in Japan.

But this wording is followed by a separate phrase: "Arcade game machines with built-in screens". Does this indicate that the trademark logo is to go on arcade machines AND standalone video game machines? Or are they simply one and the same?

There is only the tiniest of slim - on the edge and unlikely - possibility that the company might be considering a re-entry into home standalone video game machines. Not only was it burnt badly in the past, but busting into the Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo Axis without some incredibly disruptive technology would require huge investment. Still, it would be enormous fun to see the battle joined. Whatever happens, the new trademarks certainly indicate more gaming hardware from SEGA - even if this is confined to the end of the pier.


Joji 12 Feb 2009 16:05
The demise of more arcades is a sight for sore gamer eyes, but I guess there's little that can be done to save them all. Home consoles have come full circle, giving arcades very little room for originality.

The real evolution the arcades needs is for machines to play multiple games, like a console or a Nintendo 10 games in one kind of unit, giving you better value for money. Even better, would be some kind of connectiveity between arcades and home consoles. Iknow this was done with Tekken in japan, but never in the west, a big shame.

Eg: I have Super FPS Chaos 6 at home, and there's a hidden gun in that game. If the only way I could unlock it, was to visit an arcade to play a game and win a code for said gun, I'd go find that machine. Then go online and kick ass. Both arcades and home console users win.

Wishful thnking I guess.
deleted 12 Feb 2009 17:07
although i sooo hpoe this to be true,is there room for four home consoles?
Daz 12 Feb 2009 18:59
There's always room for one more
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