Rockstar Kills the Wild West

Follow up to Red Dead Revolver announced

Posted by Staff
Remember way back when Capcom decided that a Wild West outing wasn't going to sell? So, a game called Read Dead Revolver was dropped. So, Rockstar picked it up and published it*. Well now Rockstar is following it up.

As with any good myth set in the old West (think Unforgiven and Blazing Saddles)- the word 'redemption' comes into play with the new games. Yes, it's Red Dead Redemption and it will be out in the autumn of this very year for PS3 and Xbox 360.

It is the story of outlaw John Marston (so, he'll have a pedigree then) and is "set at the turn of the 20th century when the lawless and chaotic badlands began to give way to the expanding reach of government and the spread of the Industrial Age." Indeed, it is "an epic story about the death of the Wild West and the gunslingers that inhabited it"... and it uses Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (RAGE).

Rockstar's Dan Houser, who believes that, "Movies and TV and books have become so structured in the way they have to approach things" seems pleased that his company has opted for an out there theme like the Wild West though. He says, "The seamless combination of breathtaking beauty and intense action, all woven together with strong plotlines in a massive vibrant, rural environment is mind-blowing. We think this game helps to push the limits of what an open-world gaming experience can be."

See our dedicated Red Dead Redemption page right here.

You don't remember - read about it here.


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