Unshock! Final Fantasy XIII PS3 for '09

New trailer proves it.

Posted by Staff
The very end of the trailer.
The very end of the trailer.
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But only in Japan of course. A new trailer from Square Enix confirms the 2009 release of the next episode in the hugely popular Final Fantasy series, XIII - once beloved of the PlayStation fraternity until Microsoft and Square cosied up last year to announced a non-Japanese version for the Xbox 360.

The new trailer ends with the message "Coming 2009 for PlayStation 3".

As we've already reported, the game isn't expected in Europe until 2010 - we got this from a statement made by Yoichi Wada, president of Square Enix.



SuperSaiyan4 29 Jan 2009 08:47
Even though I am excited this game is coming to the Xbox 360 its a bit of a shame that its still a very long way off however from what recent video I have seen of some ingame footage it looks fantastic.

I guess if SE had done the same job on the exclusive 360 rpg's they churned out they could have also looked as good and maybe played a bit better instead of using the crappy unreal 3 engine which is a terrible engine imo.
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