Revealed: The Behemoth Mystery New Title

Let the guessing game commence...

Posted by Staff
Revealed: The Behemoth Mystery New Title
The Behemoth, the developer behind 2008's best-selling Xbox Live Arcade game, Castle Crashers, has revealed that it is working on a new title.

The dev is still at the vague, thumb-teasing stage at this point. What co-founder 'Dan Paladin' has said, however, goes thusly - "We’ve been prototyping a new title. A new game, YES!! Sorry, I can’t tell you what it is yet! I can tell you though that we are off to a very strong & solid start.

"The game has proven to be a lot of fun for the people that we’ve shown! Perhaps we can start posting imagery later on and begin a guessing game about the game. It’s like two games in one! Maybe we’ll just flat out tell you, though, and ruin the guessing game."

As well as being the most purchased Live Arcade title of 2008, Castle Crashers also ranked Number 17 in the list of most-played-Live titles for last year.

While The Behemoth has clearly been doing pretty well out of Xbox Live, it still had a little niggle at the pricing it was forced to put on its recent downloadable content pack.

Source: The Behemoth


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