No Rock Band 3 in 2009

Led Zeppelin game following Beatles?

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No Rock Band 3 in 2009
Speaking at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Harmonix co-founder and CEO Alex Rigopolous indicated that there won't be a Rock Band 3 this year.

Quizzed about the franchise's outlook in 2009, Rigopolous said at Billboard’s 'Digital Music Live' conference session, “We’ve actually made a choice to break out of the annual release cycle for Rock Band this year... (This is) partly because the annual cycle places limits on the choices you can make as a developer. We’re trying to take a long term view.”

Rigopolous also noted that this will enable the developer to focus on the upcoming Beatles Rock Band game.

Asked how EA, the game's distributor, feels about this, the Harmonix man said, “Well, I’m sure they’d take (Rock Band 3) if we gave it to them, but they know how important this series is and they’re willing to give it the time it needs.”

Discussing what might be on the horizon for the Rock Band franchise, Rigopolous said that now the Beatles license has been obtained he'd be interested in doing something with the Led Zeppelin catalogue. Asked about the possibility of keyboards in the game, he answered, “You’re not the first person to ask me that question. The only answer I can give you to that question right now is maybe.”

Frankly, not pushing out Rock Band 3 is a sound development choice. While Rock Band 2 has been well received, its sales performance in the UK has been less than stellar - no doubt thanks to the fact it introduced only incremental upgrades to the series rather than a major raft of new features. It's perfectly doable for new Rock Band DLC to keep the cash rolling in while Harmonix works on pushing the franchise further along with bigger improvements.

Source: Crispy Gamer


SuperSaiyan4 8 Jan 2009 13:04
Also maybe the price had an effect on the reason why it was a poor seller?
PreciousRoi 8 Jan 2009 15:18
Wow, as I indicated before, there are three major musical properties that are notoriously hard to get licensing for, HMX has gotten one, thanks to GH's devs arrogance. Now they're tipping their hand on the next...makes me think talks are already well underway, perhaps even going well. In any event, I hope they lock that s**t down soon, I dun want it to go to GH.

The third...well, GH can have Garth Brooks...

As to the release scheduling...pushing out a new RB game every year, complete with a full complement of upgraded instruments...seems kinda daft to expect such to me. The first RB was a breakthrough, the next a refinement, they're still lightyears ahead of GH in both gameplay and content. IMNSHO, they're well ahead on hardware as well. Concentrating on content will not only bring in more revenue, it will also add yet more value to the next full RB game when it does come out. I'd also tend to suspect that they're making sure the next generation of RB instruments will be affordable and well-designed, so those who've already purchased two (or more, if they're into GHWT as well) sets of instruments can justify the purchase of a third.

I've played GHWT, (only the guitar though) it was pretty disappointing, even taking into account my marked preference for RB (Is it just me or do the "hammer-on"s in GH look like arcade game buttons) ...I was looking forward to the slide strip, only to find it far less usable than I'd hoped. More an adjunct to the whammy bar, than an analogue to the solo buttons on my beloved RB 'caster.
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