MotorStorm Dev in Sweary Justification Outburst

Maybe marketing should speak to development

Posted by Staff
MotorStorm Dev in Sweary Justification Outburst
Evolution's Nigel Kershaw - the lead designer on MotorStorm: Pacific Rift has come on with the swearing and the frustration. He is unamused at some people's lack of understanding that because a game is sold as looking super-gorgeous months before the final product release, that final release doesn't have to look as good.

Says Nigel, "Before you do a game, you do a test render that says ‘this is the game we want to make, now let’s go make it’. It’s just like writing a game design document. The end result might not look like the render that you did. Who gives a shit?"

Fair enough. No one seriously expects a game design document not to change over the course of a development cycle. It will evolve; it will improve; it will go through QA. It will be honed.

"But", says Kershaw to 1Up "it’s this thing that haunts you, that you didn’t match your target render. Everybody makes such a big fucking deal of it. Who gives a shit? That’s how we make games. If people have got a problem with that, tough.”

All well and good to hear a developer who is passionate about developing. However, note to marketing and project leaders: it's probably a good idea in future to have a large slab of text on the renders released into the wild saying: "This is the fucking test render that you shouldn't give a shit about. If the real game is 50% as good looking, you should feel grateful!"

That way there can be no confusion.

Thanks to Develop Mag


config 10 Nov 2008 16:48
lol. yeah. tough s**t, f**king f**kers
SuperSaiyan4 11 Nov 2008 12:09
Wow good thing this s**t aint on the 360.
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stagga 10 Feb 2009 14:00
The thing with design documents is that they're kept internally and no-one outside the company ever sees them. This is completely different to releasing a movie and claiming it's how the game will appear to the general public. A design document and a marketing tool are two completely different thing.
jkl 17 Jul 2009 00:14
i don't care what the f**k anyone says, motorstorm pacific rift is one of the ps3s best offroad racers. FUEL was another enjoyable racer, too.
jkl 17 Jul 2009 00:14
i don't care what the f**k anyone says, motorstorm pacific rift is one of the ps3s best offroad racers. FUEL was another enjoyable racer, too.
jkl 17 Jul 2009 00:15
i don't care what the f**k anyone says, motorstorm pacific rift is one of the ps3s best offroad racers. FUEL was another enjoyable racer, too.
jkl 17 Jul 2009 00:16
i don't care what the f**k anyone says, motorstorm pacific rift is one of the ps3s best offroad racers. FUEL was another enjoyable racer, too.
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