TGS: inFamous - The Problem With Superpowers

New screens here!

Posted by Staff
Spider-Man would have you believe that the problem with awesome superpowers is that with great power comes great responsibility. Professor X, after looking at his old mate Magneto, might be tempted to tell you the problem is that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Mohinder Suresh would probably say (mild Heroes spoiler alert!) that sometimes superpowers make weird stuff grow out of your back, while Jessica Jones (formerly Jewel, now married to New Avengers leader Luke Cage) would probably complain that flying's only any good if you can land properly.

Looking at these latest screens from Sony's inFamous, however, SPOnG has to ask - what about all the property damage? There's loads of it! Someone has to clear that up and (barring Marvel's Damage Control) no one ever seems to worry about it! Well, city workers of fictional universes, you're in SPOnG's thoughts.

inFamous, if it's new to you, is a Sucker Punch-developed Sony game about a chap who gets superpowers then has to decide what to do with them, due for the PS3 next year. Find out more on SPOnG's dedicated game page.


deleted 10 Oct 2008 15:50
no spoiler, that episode was on two weeks ago, UK and three US, so if anyone hasnt seen it then they dont watch it :)
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