Rock Band PS3 Coming Next Week?

EA keeps mum

Posted by Staff
Information from prominent high street retailers suggests that Rock Band for the PS3, as well as the Wii and PS2, will be out as soon as next week.

GAME lists the release of the Rock Band software for the PS3 and PS2 as available as of September 12th. Information from another retail source obtained by SPOnG supports this, throwing the Wii software into the mix. Amazon, meanwhile, supports all of the above and places the release of the instruments on the same date. While the former two retailers don't list the Rock Band instruments, it's highly unlikely that the solus release would go out without the peripherals.

EA is remaining vague on the subject, however. Asked about the release date, a rep told SPOnG, "We haven't confirmed it." We were told, however, that an announcement should be made soon.


fireshoes 5 Sep 2008 12:00
"Unfortunately, said patch will be needed to download any future Rock Band tracks and the patch will cost you"

That is completely incorrect. The patch is free and fixes load time, changes the gold star threshold, puts Export as an OPTION, and allows continued download of DLC once RB2 is released. The only thing that costs is IF you use the Export Option.
Spinface 5 Sep 2008 13:34
fireshoes wrote:
"Unfortunately, said patch will be needed to download any future Rock Band tracks and the patch will cost you"

That is completely incorrect. The patch is free and fixes load time, changes the gold star threshold, puts Export as an OPTION, and allows continued download of DLC once RB2 is released. The only thing that costs is IF you use the Export Option.

Hey Fireshoes,

Thanks for pointing that out. We already updated the story relating to the patch, but that reference got missed. The story's been amended.

Paul 5 Sep 2008 15:28
Just thought you'd like to know, has it for the 12th as well ;)
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