Warhammer: Battle March Saves you a Paint Job

Here there be screens

Posted by Staff
Deep Silver and Namco Bandai have let loose a fresh batch of screens for Warhammer: Battle March. SPOnG has the goods below.

In a nutshell, it's Warhammer for folk who can't be bothered to paint miniatures. Those guys, along with folk who can't afford to shell out hundreds of their hard-earned pounds on buying the little things. Or people who are too scared to walk into Games Workshop.

Here's what Deep Silver and Namco Bandai want you to know about the game - "Thrusting players into Games Workshop’s renowned fantasy world, players will be able to control six unique armies – the Empire, Chaos, Skaven, High Elves as well as the all-new Dark Elf and Orcs & Goblins forces – as they battle for supremacy in a world torn apart by constant warfare. The individual units of each army can be customized in great detail, allowing players to put their own mark on their fighting force and strike fear into their opponents with terrifying combinations of weaponry and armour.

"Players can also control Heroes and Champions for each army, high-powered units that gain new abilities as they tear through the opposition. Placing the focus of gameplay on combat and tactics rather than tedious resource management, Warhammer: Battle March on the Xbox 360 features two control schemes for both master battlefield tacticians and novice warriors that offer full control over all aspects of the player’s army. On Xbox LIVE, up to four players can engage in massive multi-army clashes in head-to-head and team-based modes of play."

The game includes Mark of Chaos - originally released for the PC - and a host of new content. PC gamers who already bought the original will be able to get the new stuff as an expansion pack.

You can find out more about the game on SPOnG's dedicated page.


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