LEGO Batman: For the Love of Buttling

New trailer and screens here

Posted by Staff
Warner Bros has dished up a new video and some fresh screens for LEGO Batman showing off the Dark Knight's trusty butler, Alfred Pennyworth.

The company is keen to remind us that Alfred is a former espionage agent, trained in martial arts, and is an expert with most weapons. Clearly, with a résumé like that and given his current occupation, he's also got to have a major love for tea making and dusting.

As you can see from the video, Alfred likes to carry his tray at all times while fighting. He also has a constantly arched eyebrow, a fact which has sparked no small amount of controversy in the SPOnG Underwater Castle. The Evil Editor believes this indicates the condition known in medical circles as 'Monocle Eye'. Mark SPOnG (who has read more Batman comics than anyone sat within 10 metres of him) believes that there must be another, more sinister explanation since he has never once seen Alfred in such an eyepiece.

Take a look at the video below and see for yourself. You can find some of the screens below and more on SPOnG's dedicated game page.


G-Unit 28 Aug 2008 13:03
Looks like Batgirl is in this game too. I noticed her at about the 40 second mark of this video. Very cool!!!!
fliggy rock 28 Aug 2008 19:50
fliggy no go poo poo cause playin wit wii wii. dis box rox fo sheazy. me trade t-let plop plop for some bowlin pin drop drop. pewwww, y so stinky here. ooo, is me. fliggy go play now. bye bye.
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