Fore! Sony Makes God of War's Kratos Family Friendly

The big fella's good with wood.

Posted by Staff
You are a corporation. You must protect your brand at all times. You must love it and monetize it in order to maximise shareholder value.

This and only this is the reason to put God of War's Kratos into a lovely little Japanese-inspired golf game for all the family to love. Sure, he's already been wedged into SoulCalibur IV; yes, he's also cropped up as a cuddly LittleBigPlanet sack character. So,why the hell not turn him into a cute golfer?

According to Chris Hinojosa-Miranda (Associate Producer, SCEA), "If I had to pick one of the most fun parts, it would have to be our VO sessions and watching (listening?) T.C. Carson jump into the Kratos role in a completely new environment… trust me, there were plenty of eye-watering-side-splitting laughs that day".

Where next for the big fella? MotorStorm: Pacific Rift? Ratchet, Clank and Kratos? We would also like to see the bloke from English Patient appearing in the next Harold and Kumar outing, and the Death from The Seventh Seal in the next Adam Sandler debacle. We are all about reimagining the paradigms and having some fun with stuff.

Source: US PlayStation Blog


Ken 21 Aug 2008 19:39
I thought that he didn't end up in soulcaliber iv? I've seen a couple of custom characters that look like him though, but still not good enough
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