Star Trek MMO 'Nothing Stopping' Cross-Platform Play?


Posted by Staff
Star Trek MMO 'Nothing Stopping' Cross-Platform Play?
Cryptic Studios is hoping to enable PC and console users to play Star Trek Online on the same servers.

In an FAQ published on the game's official site, the question "Will console and PC players be on the same servers?" is posed. The response goes as follows - "We would like that to be the case. There is nothing technologically keeping us from making it so."

While cross-platform play between PC and Xbox 360 is possible (if not widespread) through Games for Windows Live, cross-platform play for MMOs is... well, not. This could well prove to be a first if and when it comes to fruition.

The exact console platforms for Star Trek Online remain unconfirmed, but the Xbox 360, at least, seems like a good bet given that Cryptic's other MMO, Champions Online, is confirmed for PC and Microsoft's console.

Elsewhere in the FAQ are details of how captaining a ship will work and what other skill sets will be available in the game. You can read it here.


schnide 13 Aug 2008 11:36
Picard Wannabe wrote:
"We would like that to be the case. There is nothing technologically keeping us from making it so.."

..number 1!

TimSpong 13 Aug 2008 15:42
I want a casual, aimed at female gamers, DS game based on the bridge of the Enterprise in TNG.

I would call it, "Make it Sew"...

Or a legal one, I would call it, "Make it Sue"...

Or a .... Ouch!

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