"Opt-In" to Wrath of the Lich King Beta Now

Yes, it does mean something...

Posted by Staff
"Opt-In" to Wrath of the Lich King Beta Now
Blizzard has said that World of Warcraft fans can now "opt-in" to the beta for Wrath of the Lich King, the game's upcoming expansion.

You might understandably be wondering what the hell that even means. SPOnG's going to pass you over to Blizzard. A notice on the company's website reads, "Today we opened the Wrath of the Lich King Beta Opt-In program, which gives players a chance to win an invitation to the upcoming Wrath of the Lich King beta. For The Burning Crusade beta, we randomly invited players from the entire World of Warcraft community. With the Opt-In, our goal is to strengthen the beta-testing process by inviting only those players who have expressed active interest in participating."

Blizzard is keen to point out that opting in does not guarantee you a place on the beta. Can't win if you don't enter the race though, can you? It also states, "Players who've previously been promised beta access through a promotion or contest (such as by purchasing the Dell XPS M1730 World of Warcraft Edition notebook) don't need to worry -- you'll still be entered into the beta automatically when the time comes."

You can opt-in at here.


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