BioShock 3 Announced Already?

Movie scheduling remains vague

Posted by Staff
BioShock 3 Announced Already?
Strauss Zelnick, Chairman of the Board at Take Two, has effectively confirmed that a third BioShock game will be made.

Speaking in a conference call following Take Two's earnings report, Zelnick was asked when we should expect to see the BioShock film. His response was this - "It’s unlikely that the picture would be released coincident with Bioshock 2. It will be more likely that it would be released coincident with Bioshock 3. That also remains to be seen" (SPOnG's emboldening).

While a third BioShock game was always likely, barring something going seriously wrong with the sequel, but it's good to hear it from the horse's mouth.

An exact release date has not been pinned down yet for BioShock 2, but the company expects to release it some time in the quarter running from August to October 2009.

Before that, of course, we'll have the PS3 version of the first game in the series, which is scheduled to ship in October.

Sources: Seeking Alpha, Gamespot


Joji 6 Jun 2008 12:22
Nothing to worry about, infact I'm glad to know there will be more. It should still stay good with 2K at the helm.
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