Latest Saints Row 2 Trailer: No Swearing Allowed

Not even bothering to avoid the Grand Theft Issue

Posted by Staff
Papa's got back... yo and word to you mother.
Papa's got back... yo and word to you mother.
The latest trailer for THQ's 'controversial', 'hyper-violent', 'fill in suitable attention grabbing term here' Saints Row 2 isn't even bothering to steer clear of any Grand Theft Auto 4 references but it is being very school ma'am about its use of language.

The video, which you can see below, shows off a wide variety of activities from within the game while simultaneously telling us how dull GTA IV is. There is simply no backing off at all from the fact that SR2 is tapping into the same territory.

The activities include inflicting serious bodily injury on your friends for the insurance (versus going to the cabaret with a friend), stealing a septic truck and spraying sewage on pedestrians (as opposed to going bowling); and dressing up as a cop and robbing a liquor store (as opposed to watching television in a game that you are playing on your television). There are also monster truck racing and base jumping to hold the attention of even most action-hungry of gamers.

All this is presented with using the GTA IV font and a representation of someone not a million miles from Roman Bellic.

On the one hand you can see this as clever, post-ironic, post-modernist, post-sensiblist marketing. On the other you can see this as shamelessly ripping off the success of another game that casts you as a roaming psychopath inhabiting a world full of roaming psychopaths.

The most hilarious point of the entire trailer is that while can show people being assassinated from distance and thrown under trains, it then bleeps the word 'SHIT'... in case it offends someone?



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