Rare: Inspiration is Outside Video Games

Did anybody say Meccano?

Posted by Staff
Meccano, eh? Building stuff in 3D, eh?
Meccano, eh? Building stuff in 3D, eh?
Yesterday we suggested (with tongue in cheek) that Rare's latest Banjo-Kazooie's incarnation - Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts - struck us as ever so slightly LittleBigPlanet like.

Well, our friends over at Rare have let us know that while we might not have been totally, 100% off the mark, the lads and lasses are not actually that concerned with duplicating anybody else's efforts within the industry.

"It's just now that we're looking outside of the industry for our inspiration."

That is what we we were told. So, what can this mean? Is the clue in the name? Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts... Mmmm... Meccano? Let's face it, looking outside the industry at something like LEGO for inspiration never got anybody anywhere, did it?


PreciousRoi 15 May 2008 08:18
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