Banjo Kazooie 3: Not a Racing Game

Pix are genuine though.

Posted by Staff
New Banjo Kazooie 3 screenshots have made their way - via Neogaf - in the wild and woolly world of the Internet today. This is a day ahead of the official 'reveal' of the latest iteration of Rare's game.

Well, we can tell you that the pix are genuine and were - somehow - snuck out of what should be a secure Microsoft press site. To imagine that for some reason due to ongoing platform holder willy waving (our exclusives are better than yours), this sneaking could be anything more than cock-up is, of course, conspiracy gone mad.

Anyway, the good people at Rare are a tad disappointed with the leak coming more than 24 hours before they had planned to reveal the details. "Don't take the screenshots at face value", we were told.

"The real core of Banjo is the game-play mechanic - that's going to be revealed tomorrow - and you can't get that from these screens."

One thing that is for sure - as far as we've been told - no matter what the screens suggest, "Banjo is not a racing game!"

So, what is it? "Come on! That's what we're revealing tomorrow", said our man in Rare.

Well, we could make something up (it's a football game!), we could refer you to the previously 'revealed' (on April 1st) storylines or we could make something even more outrageous up..."It's a cross between PGR, Banjo-Kazooie and Kameo!"...

Or we could keep digging to find out what it actually is...

Pix source: Neogaf


deleted 12 May 2008 17:01
360-mote anyone?
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