PS3 Video Download Service This Summer?

PlayStation Network VoD rumour abounds...

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PS3 Video Download Service This Summer?
According to the latest PlayStation Network rumour to surface, we may see a full video on demand (VoD) service launched as soon as summer for the on-line service.

The rumour comes via the LA Times, which reports that "studio executives familiar with the plan" have said that the scheme is well under way.

Sony has reportedly been in licensing talks with various studios in recent weeks. We are told that initially the service will feature both films and television content.

You'll probably be unsurprised to hear that the execs who supposedly dished up the information wished to remain anonymous.

Should Sony in fact be that close to launching an on-line video service, there's a good chance that the summer window will be for North American PS3 owners, with a European service launching later - as was the case with the Xbox 360.

In a recent PlayStation Blog post Peter Dille, the Senior VP of Marketing and PlayStation Network for Sony, said, "Many of you have been hearing rumblings about a video service that will allow you to download full-length TV shows and movies via PlayStation Network for North America. While I don’t have any new announcements here for the PlayStation Nation, it’s already been confirmed that we’ll be offering a video service for PS3 in a way that separates the service from others you’ve seen or used."

Microsoft launched its video on demand service for the 360 back in December for Europeans and over a year prior to that in the US. While Microsoft has a solid head start, however, Sony's ties to the film industry could give it a strong advantage in challenging the 360's offering.

Sources: LA Times, †PlayStation Blog


headcasephil 22 Apr 2008 13:09
this is going to be good but i fee that many ps3 owners are going to have to upgrade there hdd as i had to upgrade my 60gb last year haven help the 40gb owners but lets hope it works and works well
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