Banjo Kazooie 3 Plot Revealed... Several Times

Rare Gets Misinformative...

Posted by Staff
Banjo Kazooie 3 Plot Revealed... Several Times
Rare, throwing its arms up in exasperation at the April Fools Day shenanigans doing the rounds of the web, has caved to the expectations of its fan base and thrown out some disinformation around its upcoming platformer, Banjo-Kazooie 3.

Rare has decided to toss out numerous story possibilities for the game, knowing that only one of them isn't bulls**t. It then plans to wait an inordinate amount of time before giving out any information on which is true.

SPOnG had a quick word with George Kelion, Rare's Community Manager, who told us, "Everyone in Rare's community was expecting us to do something for April Fool's Day, but to be honest we're so busy working on the game that we couldn't Spare the time to knock up something like!

"However, our Editor did have this old feature - it's been shelved for ages - called Disinformation Central, so we decided to dust it off and give it a seasonally appropriate lick of paint, so to speak. We just thought it'd be the nice and decent thing to do. We weren't going to do anything if our community hadn't hoped we would - we took our cue from them. Now if you'll excuse me, I just have to put this Ice Key back where I found it..."

So, without further ado, here are the options as presented by Rare:

"Rumour One: Banjo and Grunty team up against a new threat, falling in love in the process. Sexy post-transformation Grunty makes a return and proves irresistible to our heroic bear, much to Kazooie's disgust. Can the mismatched trio defeat their fire-breathing foe?

"Rumour Two: Kazooie is abducted by aliens and Banjo heads out to search the cosmos. Partway through his low-gravity exploits, he discovers who's taken her... and it's a familiar face from the Rare archives who has been 'turned to the green side' by Grunty.

"Rumour Three: Banjo and Kazooie travel back through time in pursuit of the witch's giant T.I.T. Grunty drives her Time Interfering Truck back to before the bear and bird met. The duo must reintroduce themselves and relearn everything they know in a completely new way!

"Rumour Four: Banjo comes out of retirement to stop his home being redeveloped into tower blocks and malls. To end the struggle, a capricious higher power engineers a bear/witch showdown through worlds of the imagination – with Spiral Mountain's ownership deeds going to the victor.

"Rumour Five: War comes to Spiral Mountain, and Banjo becomes a reluctant leader. Ever seen a Jinjo Tank? Or Grunty's Grappling Grenadier Grunts? You will when you take on our innovative RTS-platformer hybrid campaign."

Let us know which your favourite is in the Forum. SPOnG can't help but feel that the developer peaked with Rumour One, but what can you do?

Source: Rare


deleted 1 Apr 2008 17:23
I reckon number 3! and spong you should keep a record of who says what on here and when the truth is revealed award gartis credit and kudos to all who were right while raining fire and brimstone on thosewho dared to guess but were completely wrong.

just a thought! 1 Apr 2008 18:01
Yeppers, because we all know the plot of Banjo Kazooie is comparable to that of the 24 season finale script...
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