Following a spot of whinging about the lack of a PlayStation Network beta for
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix to go alongside its Xbox 360 beta, Capcom has stated that Sony is unable to host beta programmes on the PS3 just yet.
In the Capcom forum, Seth Killian, a senior manager for the Capcom Community,
writes, "As for not having a beta program on PSN, it has already been stated that this is due to a technical issue with Sony. As in, they don't support such a program yet."
Previously, Capcom blogger Chris "Kramez" Kramer
wrote in the Capcom forum, "My totally uninformed, shaking-the-Magic-8-ball guess is that Sony will be running Betas for big titles in a couple of months, just not in time for us to get
Super Turbo’s Beta rolling on PSN."
Killzone 2 developer Guerilla seems to think it will be able to
produce a beta for its shooter this year - although it could be the non-existence of a beta programme that has stopped it producing one thus far.
Capom's VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development, Christian Svensson, also points out; "even if it were possible for Sony to do, it would require 3 submissions (US, Europe, Asia/Japan) to reach the same global audience we can with MS in a single test and global submission."
The Xbox Live beta will run for eight weeks and will be available to gamers who buy
Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando on Xbox Live.
Capcom also slapped down whiny fanboys who got steamed up about Capcom's apparent favouritism, with Killian
"As I've always stated in the past, 'console loyalty' makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. There has been tons of discussion on this, and we don't need anymore. "Console Loyalty" means 90% of today's games have to stay on Atari, Coleco and Nintendo platforms. PlayStation owners' beloved Final Fantasy? Started on NES. Best selling PS exclusive Metal Gear series? NES as well. Microsoft's money printer Halo? Started on Apple Macs as Marathon. So what now of your console loyalty? Why does it only apply now and not then?
"Free Market/Laisez Faire mentality works on supply and demand. You want something/someone to blame? Blame the law of economics. Otherwise, let it go. Come back when you have clear, logical, and articulate discussion topics we can talk about before this subject is brought up again."
'Ave it! Oh, and feel free to get upset - or to agree - about Capcom's comments in the Forum...