Sexual and Violent Games Numbing, Catholic Bishop

And the Church appreciates women as well...

Posted by Staff
Bishop Porteous. Numbing.
Bishop Porteous. Numbing.
Australian Roman Catholic bishop, the Most Reverend Julian Porteous, has chimed in on video games - they are bad for you. This comes at a time when the Australian government is looking at entering the 21st century by enabling R18+ rated games to be sold to adults.

With a strong Catholic lobby still alive and kicking in Australian political life, the Bishop's statements can only be seen as an attempt to influence legislation.

The Catholic Weekly quotes Porteous as follows, "The causes of violence and crime in society is a very complex problem".

The 'causes' is...? We bet his sermonising are top notch to learn about expressioning of yourself proper good... from. Maybe he meant, 'Understanding the causes'? Maybe not.

Because he then proceeds to utterly demolish the need to explore any complexity with the following gem,"We need not add to this problem with games that numb our natural repulsion to violence and, with regard to sexually explicit games, reduce women in particular to mere objects of instant self gratification".

This comes from a representative of an organisation that bars women from its leadership while at the same time worshipping one-dimensional images (graven ones, we might add) of either virgins or whores?

Bishop Porteous does, however, use research. Calling up the 2006 paper, 'The Effects of Video Game Violence on Physiological Desensitisation to Real-Life Violence', by Iowa State University psychologist Nicholas Carnagey, and Professors Craig Anderson and Brad Bushman.

The Psychology and Crime News blog has an interesting critique of this paper. It quotes one of the paper's author's, Nicholas Carnagey, stating, "It appears that individuals who play violent video games habituate or ‘get used to’ all the violence and eventually become physiologically numb to it."

Research that can see what will eventually happen to subjects and not what actually did happen? Genius.

Tim SPOnG's read The Bible and hasn't, as yet:

1) Killed someone or ordered someone to be killed. (Genesis 4:15)

2) Killed 30 men in one go. (Judges 14:19)

3) Ordered anybody to burn their own son alive. (Genesis 2:22)

But we're sure that because he has read that book, he eventually will do one or all of those... eventually.

We have contacted the Bishop in order to discover just how many video games he's played in order to reach his conclusions.

Let's bid farewell to the bishop - unless he does respond - with the following illustration of his grasp not only of the modern world, but also the role of women in it.

In August 2007 Porteous, showed himself so capable of understanding everyday modern life by stating, "A priest needs someone to look after the house. We men on the whole are not good at this".

Nice one, Bish' - yup, at last something that SPOnG and the Catholic church can agree on. Men are crap at housework and therefore we all NEED someone to come and clear up after us.


Merv 28 Feb 2008 15:49
Always nice to see a bit of Bishop bashing on SPONG in the afternoon.
config 28 Feb 2008 16:02
"our natural repulsion to violence"

This dude must be snorting coke off a cherub's arse in cloud cuckoo land if he thinks humans have a natural repulsion to violence.

Surely he'll recall that his brothers we fed to lions for entertainment. Even his boss was nailed to a cross for the laugh - you can't tell me a stoning or summary execution wouldn't have been less effort and still a pretty good deterrent to future god botherers.

As for numbing, I hear that's just what Catholic priests like from their little choir boys.
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Joji 28 Feb 2008 16:20
The church have never done sex or violence ever have they? Wave that Bible now.

Falsehoods! Summon the Spanish Inquisition for them. Lol.
JJ 28 Feb 2008 16:25
If anything is damaging society it's the mind numbing celebrity culture of drink, drug and superficial behaviour and tabloid scaremongering from constant bombardment of 'the streets aren't safe' and 'we're all doomed' (dailymail type stuff)

And why is it okay to appluad soldiers in iraq when they kill 40 insurgents and broadcast it during the day but animated virtual violence is wrong?

Humans aren't repulsed by violence, they are repulsed by evil behaviour, I saw Rambo4 and it was f**ing great entertainment.
Bentley 28 Feb 2008 17:13
What an absolute COCK that Bishop guy is. Basically his whole argument about videogames is that people will be influenced by what they see or experience, as if they are brainless sheep. Well, that's how religion works, not videogames. If anything, those who play videogames have expanded their minds by entering thousands of virtual environments not experienced by non-gamers; are open to suggestion and new ideas; and are actually bloody nice and very tolerant people. (This is proven in the research I have done called "life" and a bit of wildly assuming, as that is about all you need to do to call it "research" these days, it would seem).

Unlike religious types who love to enforce their outdated views and opinions on everyone else, particularly their flock, i.e. their SHEEP. The Bible is an ancient book of lies and twaddle, but this old t**t would rather you pay heed to it rather than form your own opinions based on your own individual experiences. What a knob. ALL RELIGION IS BAD, LET'S BAN IT.
Nancy 28 Feb 2008 18:44
He just hopes we are all brainless sheep. Which we are obviously NOT, as the decreasing numbers of people who actually belong to the catholic church these days prove. The only ones here in America that fill their 'pews' are the illegals and that is so they can use them to try and get away with breaking our laws.
TimSpong 29 Feb 2008 09:55
Nancy wrote:
He just hopes we are all brainless sheep. Which we are obviously NOT, as the decreasing numbers of people who actually belong to the catholic church these days prove. The only ones here in America that fill their 'pews' are the illegals and that is so they can use them to try and get away with breaking our laws.

Nancy, everybody there in America is an illegal aside from the Injuns (sorry, Native Injuns). It's an immigrant country based on invasion and slaughter - which we, the English, kicked off because we were good at it. Then what happened? A bunch of bloody terrorists in places like Boston and Concorde (you lot) decided carry out an illegal war against their own government (us lot). So, you're even more illegal at this end of this paragraph than you were when I started this paragraph!

The only Catholics in America are 'illegals'? Eh? There are at least a few Kennedy's still hanging around the place - the ones who haven't yet been killed by Americans or by their own incompetence.

"They can use them..." who can use who? Is there a Catholic conspiracy to use illegal immigrants to 'try' and get away with breaking your laws?

By the way, if they are illegals then they actually have succeeded in breaking your laws.

Frankly, I'd be more bothered by the legal Protestant nutters in White House who have been breaking laws and then remaking them.

Have a great day, y'all


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