Resistance Fall of Man 2 Shows Off the Ugly

Screens inside...

Posted by Staff
The inevitable marketing lava-stream leading up to the release of Resistance: Fall of Man 2 is heating up. Not wanting you to miss out on a spot of warming in these chilly winter months, SPOnG has a batch of screens from said volcanic PR burst below.

As SPOnG told you last week, we'll be able to see the game sooner than we might have expected. Namely, developer Insomniac has confirmed that the game will be out "this fall", or Autumn to all us English scamps who look forward to knocking our conkers together.

The revelation of that date makes it likely that the Easter egg in this music video indicates a demo is coming in July.

Anyway, we won't keep you any longer. Tuck into the screens below!


SuperSaiyan4 27 Feb 2008 12:54
Looking at both the 360 and PS3 in regards to shooters and variety of shooters or action games like Crackdown and full on shooters like Gears of war comparing gears to resistance I have to say the 360 is no doubt the best choice in exclusive console IP of shooting games

Looking forward to Gears of war 2 which hopefully is all its cracked up to be...
Mornelithe 27 Feb 2008 13:17
I disagree, I feel that while the 360 may have more shooters, the PS3 has more decent shooters. Gears of War ate it for the simple reason that accuracy means nothing. Shoot a guy 30 times in the face, and you still..might not kill him. Pretty stupid really.

Resistance was a great launch title for the PS3, and I cannot wait for Resistance 2, I just hope I'm finished MGS4, GT5P, Haze and GTAIV by the time it comes out.

SuperSaiyan4 27 Feb 2008 14:03
Most if not nearly all shooters on the 360 are on the PS3 as well where each console has perhaps a couple of exclusive shooters but if you prefer resistance then fair dues.

What did you think of Halo 3? Did you give that a go? Imo HALO 1 still was the best.

I dont like the look of Resistance just seems like COD with aliens imo.
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