Dylan Jobe - Game Director for Sony's PS3 fun killing-game (go on Jack Thompson... we dare you)
Warhawk has blogged about the forthcoming update to his baby. Not only will it be free (unlike the
Omega add-on pack) but it also has integration for Home... and Home's release isn't even dated yet.
Here's what Dylan says:
"Yeah Baby…So our HOME integration is coming along nicely and this update includes a great, and much needed feature for Warhawk. With the release of v1.3 patch, players will be able to form groups, meet in their apartments, discuss tactics, and then launch a game of Warhawk…all together!
"When you’re in your apartment, all you do is whip-out your virtual PSP, select ‘create game’ and pick Warhawk. From there, you get to start your own player server, pick a game rotation, set server options and then…BAM !! Launch Warhawk with all of your friends!! You can also pick to not make your game viewable to the other Warhawk players around the world, or you can make it a ‘public’ game that puts all of your friends into the server together, and leaves open slots for other global Warhawk players join."
Now for what is either a heaven-sent piece of sheer, unexpected honesty - or (and we're not cynics) a slice of ingenious, marketing slime.
"Now this is just the beginning of what we’re gonna to be doing with HOME and there’s some really neat stuff on the horizon. I’d love to show you more of the cool HOME stuff that we’re working on but I suspect I’d get a PR-shank to the spine…or possibly a lung.
So I gotta say that I’m actually super relieved that we’re putting in *REAL* legit value for players and *NOT* making HOME a portal for SONY to jam branding and marketing schwag down player’s throats!
Dylan's 'super relieved' - we're bloody so totally like stoked (and that!). We are also yet to be convinced and our tame business-head (IvanBoesky SPOnG) points out that if Sony doesn't make use of Home to jam branding down players throats, then it's missing a trick.
There are also a new bomb, new insignia and even a new wrench with which to biff enemy chaps and mend your chums' vehicles. You can read about all of those
over here.