We try our best not to lie to you and the headline for this news story is completely true. Sony Computer Entertainment has released two brand new adverts for Gran Turismo 3: A Spec. The only beef you may have is the explanation mark at the end.
Following on from David Lynch’s “The Third Place” rubbish come two of the most underwhelming adverts for anything, ever.
As we all know, classic adverts such as those for Shake ‘n’ Vac and that McDonalds advert which shows Asian people singing colloquial songs have a certain something about them.
Sony has decided that the best way to get us to want Gran Turismo 3 more than we do already is to release one advert showing a man washing his car and another showing someone driving around a corner. Great.
Anyway, if you can be bothered head over to:
But please remember: You have been warned.