Street Fighter IV: Brand. New. Screens


Posted by Staff
If ever there was a game veiled in a huge great swatch of mystery, it's Street Fighter IV. That mystery has thinned just a little bit today, however, with the release of five new screens from Capcom.

Below, you'll see Ryu and Ken going at it (in an appropriately heterosexual manner - but then again, what does that matter anyway?) against the backdrop of... well, somewhere not of the western world. Word from Capcom is that the game will feature 3D graphics but keep 2D gameplay - a fact that seems to be borne out by the action screens below.

Another scrap of Street Fighter IV information that's shuffled forth into the world of late is a new character - Crimson Viper - Famitsu scans of whom can be found here.

Anyway, you didn't click through for our waffle, so tuck in!



mrAnthony 11 Jan 2008 21:32
those screens were in Edge magazine a couple of weeks ago.
machiner 12 Jan 2008 00:09
mrAnthony wrote:
those screens were in Edge magazine a couple of weeks ago.

is there an online link to that?
mrAnthony 13 Jan 2008 14:40
i would imagine so, the internet revolution killing off the printed magazine 'n' all.

wasnt a criticism, just was a comment on the "released today" sentence. is all.
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